Award Winners



Poster Number


Titles of Posters

Best Poster Presentation Award (Basic Science)


Xin Zhou
Haiyang Chen
Mingjie Li
Lu Ren

Unlocking Brain Mysteries: Exploring Intrinsic Mechanisms of Moxibustion in Treating Perimenopausal Depression Revealed by Functional Ultrasound Imaging

Best Poster Presentation Award (Clinical Studies)


Young-Eun Lee
Seung-Yeon Cho
Han-Gyul Lee
Seungwon Kwon
Woo-Sang Jung
Sang-Kwan Moon
Jung-Mi Park
Chang-Nam Ko

Neuroimaging Assessment of the Therapeutic Mechanism of Acupuncture and Bee Venom Acupuncture in Patients with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease : A Double-blind Randomized Controlled Trial

Best Poster Presentation Award (Education and Application)


Bin Cai
Ruyuan Zhao
Mike Zhang,
Ziyu Kang
Zengtao Wang

Exploring on Anatomical Structure of K110 (Yingu) and LR8 (Ququan) Acupoint



Oral Presentation



Detail can be found on

Best Oral Presentation Award (Basic Science)

Session 2:
Presentation (8)
[Abstract #21]

Tong Feng

The mechanism of microRNA-199b-5p in acupuncture treatment of knee osteoarthritis

Programme Book (P.38)

Best Oral Presentation Award (Clinical Studies)

Session 1:
Presentation (3)
[Abstract #60]

Denise Shuk Ting Cheung,
Xueyan Cheng,
Pui Hing Chau,
Jerry Wing-Fai Yeung,
Lixing Lao

Self-administered acupressure is effective for reducing symptom cluster of family caregivers of older adults: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial

Programme Book (P.37)

Best Oral Presentation Award (Education and Application)

Session 3:
Presentation (2)
[Abstract #4]

Tsz Ho Wong,
Junyi Wei,
Haiyong Chen,
Bacon Fung Leung Ng

Enhancing acupuncture safety with automated needle counting: a cloud based deep learning approach

Programme Book (P.38)